Sunday 20 March 2016


I hope I have convinced you to considered eat Budu in order to get a healthy life. Just now I have tell you that Budu is a medicine for any disease, contains lots of nutrients and known as a source of fiber. Now, you can throw away about the negative think about Budu. You can just enjoy your life by eating Budu and as you all know that Budu can be served on its own or mixed it with other foods such as pepper, mango and lime juice. So, it depends to your taste and I am sure that it will be the most delicious sauce ever that you ever taste.  

Thursday 17 March 2016

Hafizudin, I. (2013, August). KELANTAN MALAYSIA: FOOD IN KELANTAN. Retrieved from     

Slamberr, M. (2012, August 11). CIVIL ENGINEER. Retrieved from

Todayfoodtips. (2011, February). Retrieved from


We all know that Budu is an appetiser from the Peninsula's East Coast people, however for those who are allergies to seafood are advised to stay away from Budu because Budu is risky for people that suffer from allergies. “Anchovy is a type of seafood, and it can cause allergies and itchiness in the skin of some individuals and same goes for those with high blood pressure (hypertension) as Budu has a high salt content and can increase blood pressure” stated Dr Syed Abu Bakar.  Research from medical practitioner has found that "Budu is not for those with gout, where the body's uric acid has exceeded the permissible level, and will cause swelling in the joints. Apart from that, Budu is not suitable for those with diabetes, breast cancer, sinusitis and rhinitis (itchiness in the nose and face)," 
Serving Size: 10g
Energy: 53.9kcal / 100g: 5.4kcal / serving
Protein: 1 1 .4g /100g: 1 .1 g / serving
Total Carbohydrate: 0.9g / 100g: 0.09g / serving
Total Fat: 0.6g / 100g: 0.06g / serving
Calories per Gram:
Fat: 9 Carbohydrate: 4 Protein: 4

Free of preservatives

Tuesday 15 March 2016


The example of packaging.
As all of you can see in the picture, there are many types of packaging for Budu. For the first picture, the company want to stick with the uniqueness of Budu by providing it in glass bottle packaging. For the third picture is in plastic bottle. The different between the first picture and third picture is the size of bottle. The third picture is smaller rather than the second picture.  For the fourth picture, the company has provide Budu in tube packaging so that it can avoid from bottle breakage. This types of product also has entered an international market. To make it easier, the company has come out with tube packing in order to make it easier for the company to export their product using flight. Other than that, there are certain company that served Budu in plastic bottle because they know that they will easily get plastic bottle and it is cheaper than glass bottle. The second picture is in sachet. It is basically look similar to the first picture as the company want to avoid from bottle breakage. The company will try as much as they can in order to make sure that their company will produce a best product in this country and also in the world. 

Research from nutrition of Japan, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Germany
According to the research from nutrition of Japan, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Germany, Budu contain of glutathione that works as antioxidants, helped in removing some of toxic wastes and may increase the flexibility of the body or immune that can prevent from severe disease that can cause death especially cancer such as breast cancer.  Budu also has the potential to fight free radical and is believed to prevent the aging process and of course prevent from degenerative disease such as coronary heart disease and diabetes. As we all know that nowadays there are lots of people who are positive in cancer and most of them are die in the young of age. People believe that cancer has no medicine except for chemotherapy but by eating Budu, at least we are try to protect our life from cancer and other disease.  

Research from University of North Carolina, United States
Studies from University of North Carolina, United States found that Budu is rich nutrients. It can promote the growth of body weight for people who suffer from chronic diarrheal disease. Budu also can enhance the IQ of those who eat it, because it stimulates the brain cells and will strengthen the ties between neurons, and strengthen the weak neurons. It has the highest contribution to other fractions, such as vitamin B1, B2, B6 and B12. Budu is a source of vitamin B that can avoid the growth of bacteria. Budu also is a major contributor of vitamin B12. This is very important because vitamin B12 cannot be founded in any source of seafood, fish and other meats. Besides that, vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, lack of vitamin B12 can cause pale, abdominal pain and weight loss. So it is true if I said that most of Kelantanese people are  brilliant because they eat Budu.

 Research from National Cancer
From National Cancer Research reported that Budu known as a source of fibre or dietary fibre. Fibre content in Budu could reach between 8% and 10% for each 100gm. Compared to fibres in the fish or other protein source, fibre Budu easier to digest, absorbed and utilized by the body. It also can reduce cholesterol to a level beyond expectation. Budu actually like liquid multi vitamin that meet all requirement for the body. It also contains a macro and micro minerals to stop the reaction of free radical formation. So this is very suitable for those who want to get diet as Budu can help them to reduce cholesterol from their body and will make sure that they will get the size of body that they want. 

Most people did not know how Budu was made. The uniqueness taste of budu is traditionally made by mixing anchovy and salt and allows it to ferment for a few months. Here are some steps for making a delicious Budu:
1.       First of all, you will need 1kg of anchovies, coarse salt to taste, brown sugar and a handful of tamarinds as additional taste.
2.       The first step that you need to do is clean the anchovies and dry it well. This is to ensure the taste of Budu as you need to wash the fish as clean as you can.  Next, divide salt into five section and sprinkle the first part flat in the container. For the better result, use former pottery or porcelain.
3.        Mix the anchovies with tamarind juice until it is smooth and divide into 4 parts.
4.       Enter brown sugar and mix well. Garnish with the anchovies in the last layer of salt in the container. Then sprinkle a layer of salt again on the anchovies too. Create a layer and finally a layer of salt.
5.       Cover the surface of the container with gauze. Let the fabric tense on the surface of the container. Before you close the bottle, sprinkle the salt first to prevent flies. Then cover the container with the lid tightly.
6.       Store in a dark place for a few month or at least 1 month until it shattered. Do not expose to light or air because it could make the Budu damaged. Don’t forget to observe the result occasionally.  

                                                                                     The process of making Budu

Budu has their own uniqueness of the taste. It is depends on the users on how to describe the taste of Budu. Most of them stated that Budu is really delicious and absolutely can increase people’s appetite. Budu, or commercially known as anchovies sauce, refer to the pickled or the preserved anchovies kept in the bottle. It is one of the famous traditional food in Malaysia and can be easily found in Kelantan, Terengganu and southern Thailand. Budu processed from fermented anchovies that were kept in a jar and left until it’s completely dissolved and mixed together. It is usually produced by small companies and sold at the stores in the bottle packaging. It can be found in various types of bottle and brands.  Most of company will provide Budu in glass bottle as they know that it will more attract people to buy it. Nowadays, there are company that provide Budu in tube packaging so that people will get easy to carry it. Budu will be more delicious if it served with a piece of lemon and chili.

The example on how to make Budu more delicious.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Hi everyone, welcome and happy reading my blog.In this blog, I will provide you some information about Budu that you may not know before. The objective for this blog is to ensure that people will gain more information about Budu and also change their perception about Budu. As we all know, Sarawak is popular for the salted 'terubok', while Melaka is synonymous with 'cencalok' (a sauce made from shrimp). Kedah is synonymous with 'ikan pekasam' (fermented fish). As for Perak, the silver state is famous for its 'tempoyak' (fermented durian flesh) and 'belacan' (prawn paste), associated with Pulau Pinang ,but for east coast people, they are common with Budu. Budu is one of the famous traditional food in Kelantan, Terengganu and as well as Southern Thailand. But in this day and age, people all over world are love to eat Budu as they know that Budu is really delicious and mouth-watering. Budu is not only a sauce, but it has their own benefits which is very good for our health. 

Example of Budu.


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